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Mercedes R107 convertible top

Are you looking for a new Mercedes R107 convertible top?

In addition to the convertible top, EUROTOP also offers all accessories for the R107.

In the following, we explain all the special features of the convertible top and when you should renew which accessories for this Mercedes.

If you have any further questions, please contact us by mail, via chat or by phone.

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Brand & Model


  1. Features and advantages of the Mercedes R107 convertible top
    1. Sonnenland Classic material
    2. Convertible top details
    3. Rear windows
    4. Seals
    5. Tension straps
  2. How do I fit the Mercedes R107 convertible top?

Features and advantages of the Mercedes R107 convertible top

Sonnenland Classic material

For our SL R107 (also called W107) convertible top cover we only use the original Sonnenland Classic material with beige interior, as it was also used in the original equipment. The convertible tops can also be produced with a black interior on request.

Sonnenland Classic is a three-layer convertible top material with a rubber membrane in the middle. This middle layer ensures that no water can penetrate .

Waterproofing is therefore not necessary with the material we use.

Our material corresponds 1:1 to the material used by Mercedes-Benz for its convertible tops.

The fabric is available in all current Sonnenland Classic colors: black, blue, brown, dark beige, light beige and red.

The following special colors are only available with black inside (limited stock): classic gray, firenze gray, chestnut brown and mahogany.

We will be happy to send you free material samples on request.

Convertible top details

For older convertibles, the original manufacturers no longer produce the convertible tops themselves, but outsource these small series to subcontractors.

This also changes the design and details (e.g. the cut pattern) of the convertible tops.

Our convertible top cover for the R107 is based on the original version as it was produced for original equipment at the time.

The following is a list of the most important details:

  1. The front corners of the SL convertible top are finished like the original convertible top.
  2. The plastic piping around the rear window is available in black, blue and brown.
  3. The edging is made of special edging material so that the roof folds better.
  4. The additional pull strip on the B-rod of the SL convertible top is present and improves the fit.
  5. The overhang that rests against the body of the Mercedes-Benz at the rear has no additional, unnecessary reinforcement. The original cut overhang ensures that the W107 convertible top does not rub against the convertible top compartment when opened. This also protects the convertible top box seal.
  6. The support rod inserts of the SL convertible top are made of rubberized instead of non-rubberized underlay, which is easier to bond during installation and lasts longer.
  7. The tensioning straps are included free of charge and in beige or black to match the color of the inside of the convertible top.

Rear windows

Our convertible top cut includes the original position and size of the three rear windows.

For the panes we use the original material in original thickness (1 mm) with TÜV stamp.

All three panes are covered on the outside and inside with an elaborately hand-sewn fabric protector. This ensures that no scratches can get onto the panes during transport and during installation of the convertible top.

Other protection variants with glued film or simple tissue paper can slip or leave adhesive marks on the pane or on the fabric.


On the Mercedes Benz SL R107, all seals should always be checked before replacing the convertible top.

If the existing rubber seals are porous or deformed, they should be replaced.

We strongly advise you to use only original seals for the R107. There are many replica seals available on the market, but we are not aware of any manufacturer who can supply exactly the same rubber seal quality for this Mercedes-Benz.

If the SL seals are too hard, you may not be able to close the convertible top because the rear bumper seal is too hard.

There are also seals that are glued to the convertible top. If the rubber is too hard, the folding process of the support rod will not be optimal. Incorrect storage in the convertible top compartment can cause rubbing.

All of our R107 seals are original accessories as offered by Mercedes-Benz.

  • Rubber dampeners

These seals are glued to the left and right above the side window of the Mercedes on the convertible top.

The seals from the old SL convertible top are normally no longer usable due to their age (hardened, deformed and brittle).

About the product: Rubber dampeners

  • Front bumper seal

This seal is fitted to the front of the Mercedes support rod.

It ensures that no water or wind can enter between the convertible top and the window frame of the convertible.

About the product: Front bumper seal

  • Rear bumper seal

It is used to prevent water from entering the vehicle at the rear support rod mount.

About the product: Rear bumper seal

  • B-rod seals

They are located on the B-rod on the side door of the SL and are often deformed or porous.

You can see the wear particularly clearly on the driver's side.

About the product: B-rod seals

  • Seals between A- and B-rods

You can check the condition of these seals above the driver and passenger windows. These are often deformed or torn.

About the product: Seals between A- and B-rods

Tension straps

Two different tensioning straps are installed in the convertible top of the SL, which we also offer.

  • Side tension straps

These straps run sideways in the convertible top and pull it to the support rod.

Due to the folding process of the convertible top and the storage position in the convertible top compartment, these are often bent or torn.

About the product: Side tension straps

  • Rear tension strap

The rear tension strap runs centrally from top to bottom along the rear window and guarantees the correct position of the main support rod on the SL.

About the product: Rear tension strap

How do I fit the Mercedes R107 convertible top?

If you would like to have the convertible roof fitted for the W107, please do not hesitate to ask us.

However, if the journey is too far for you or we are unable to offer you a suitable date, we will be happy to refer you.

We supply our SL convertible tops to saddleries all over the world and can provide you with the names of fitting partners in your area.